
在短暂的, complex systems science involves the study of how many elements develop behaviors that are beyond those behaviors possible by considering the individual elements alone. While the behavior of each individual component of a system in isolation may support intricate dynamics, together the individual components interact to support group behaviors and system dynamics well beyond those possible from individual components alone.

Complex systems science is a rapidly growing and emerging field that is inherently interdisciplinary. It can be applied to a wide variety of fields including biology; medicine and cognitive science; mechanical, 化学, electrical and civil engineering; physics and astronomy; economics and social sciences. The future of research in these fields lies in understanding not just the isolated components of a given system, but the manner in which the individual components interact to produce emergent group behavior.

与数据挖掘或大数据相比, in which a primary focus is to understand hidden patterns or structure in large data sets, complex systems science attempts to identify causality and uncover the universality that exists in large-scale systems. 因果关系和普遍性是由于同伴和等级的相互作用, 单个系统组件的模式和缩放. Universality has been observed across a wide range of fields such as brain science, 昆虫聚集, 社会科学与流体动力学.

Key to the advancement of complex systems science is the development and use of mathematical tools designed to understand the resultant outcome of group behaviors that are not evident when studying the behavior individual elements alone. Mathematical tools for complex systems science are drawn from the following fields:

  • Information dynamics — the study of interaction of elements and the information flow between elements. Of particular interest is the minimum information needed to produce an outcome of important behaviors. 
  • Algorithmic complexity — In contrast to information dynamics and entropy of evolving systems is the concept of algorithmic complexity, Komolgorov复杂性和最小描述的概念, as a contrast that intricate behavior is often opposite to simplicity of design.
  • Structure and dynamics on networks — a large number of interacting parts can give rise to behaviors that emerge from the group interactions and are not implicit in any one element. 考虑蚁群的集体行为和能力, 从零件的行为来看,这显然是无法理解的. 考虑网络引入了图论的数学, but well beyond this when understanding dynamics on networks comes complexity theory.
  • 随机网络的临界性和尺度建模, the implications of critical phenomena to complexity and the recent approaches to evolutionary dynamics are all part of this field. 像这样, understanding interactions from food webs to economies all have a universality that can be understood in terms of the science that includes hierarchical interactions. It is the characterization of such universalities that lead to complex systems as a unifying field across such disciplines.
  • Technical details and the tool-sets — includes areas of dynamical systems and chaos theory, 网络理论和图论, 信息理论, 热力学和统计力学, 元胞自动机, 信息理论, 包括玻璃在内的活化过程, 分形, 缩放和重整化.

愿景 & 任务


The C3S2 will be internationally recognized for fundamental contributions to the advancement of complex and systems science and the resulting impact that these contributions have in a variety of science, 工程和商业应用. The C3S2 will be recognized within the University as a model for conducting collaborative interdisciplinary research.


The C3S2 mission is to encourage and facilitate research and educational opportunities in the area of complex, 非线性, 动态和自适应系统. The C3S2 will foster collaboration from an interdisciplinary group of researchers to address important problems from a wide range of scientific, technological and engineering disciplines for the advancement of technology and humanity.


  • 复杂、网络化、多尺度的过程
  • 非线性和混沌系统
  • 信息动力学和因果推理
  • 系统科学
  • 医学和认知科学
  • 生物学,系统生物学和数学流行病学
  • 神经网络和大脑, 极端事件和地震, 还有心律失常, 更根本的是, 非线性化学反应动力学
  • 机械、化学、电气和土木工程
  • 流体动力学和湍流系统, 海洋学和气象学, 包括运输问题, 建模与传感
  • 物理学和天文学
  • 经济与社会科学
  • 动力系统和控制系统
  • 传感器网络,特设网络和控制协调系统
  • 决策科学,社会系统和人类群体科学
  • 自适应和设计系统工程
  • 具体的例子是蛋白质相互作用网络, 微生物群落生态位的发展, 疾病和谣言的传播以及创新的动态
  • 关键事件和罕见事件、机制和检测、健壮性和脆弱性



Dr. Erik BolltOne of the three pillars of the Clarkson@125 strategic plan is to “advance the prominence of research and scholarship.” 研究 centers play a key role in fostering collaboration and the growth of sponsored research. 事实上, a large majority of Clarkson’s sponsored research can be attributed to existing research centers including CAMP and CITeR, 和CfM.

Dr. Erik Bollt, 首任C3S2中心主任, has an established international reputation in the field of complex system science. Dr. Bollt’s collaborations in this field have been primarily with colleagues at other institutions. 包括普林斯顿大学, 斯坦福大学, 牛津大学, 帝国理工学院, 布里斯托尔大学, 俄勒冈州立大学, 佐治亚理工学院, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, 陆军红石兵工厂, 海军研究实验室和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室, 举几个例子. There exists an opportunity to expand this collaboration inward to include colleagues at Clarkson in various academic departments. Doing so would provide an opportunity for Clarkson to make a greater impact in the field, 从而提高我们的研究声誉. esball国际平台客户端的优势在于我们的文化, our size and our application-oriented philosophy all celebrate the idea that working together across fields is what we do and what we do well. 这个中心在这种精神上特别先进. We will offer a venue and a means to bring us together in groupings and combinations to foster collaborations in cutting-edge research that may not otherwise take place, 甚至发生在个别学科的专家身上. 团结起来,我们的工作就能作为一个整体得到加强. 理论为应用提供支持,应用为理论提供支持,我们共同受益.



Erik Bollt

Erik Bollt

W . Jon Harrington数学教授/电学教授 & Computer Engineering / Director of the Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science

办公室: 315/268-2307